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Edition 21
The true heart of any Valentine's Day celebration is that special meal with your spouse or significant other.

The best way to discover the romantic side of your love life is with PEI Mussels. If looking for a main course to prepare with your sweetheart, we suggest our Chorizo and White Bean Stew recipe. For something lighter, try our PEI Mussels with Thai Green Curry recipe.

Mussels are for lovers. For more inspiring recipes to add some sparkle to Valentine's Day, visit our new website

  1. Mussels are one of the most affordable seafood meals you can make, so you have that little extra in your pockets to treat that special someone.
  2. American and Italian researchers claim that mussels contain compounds that prompt the body to release hormones connected with physical attraction.
  3. It has been said that mussels raise levels of both testosterone and estrogen, which goes without saying why that’s a plus!
  4. PEI Mussels are quick to cook, leaving you more time to do other 'romantic' things. See numbers 8 and 9.
  5. PEI Mussels require little prep time freeing up even more time out of the kitchen for even more 'romantic' things.
  6. Mussels will impress your special someone.
  7. Mussels will share your bottle of wine - a little for the pot and lots for you.
  8. You can always joke that it’s getting “steamy” in here when steaming your mussels.
  9. Mussels, being low in calories, give you peace of mind to splurge on the other special foods that will make up your meal.
  10. After eating PEI Mussels, you will both agree that the dishes can wait until morning!
© Mussel Industry Council 2015

Mussel Industry Council of Prince Edward Island, PO Box 40010, 675 University Ave. PEI, C1E 0J2
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